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Ready to take that first step towards being an enterprenuer?

We help you navigate through the franchise process and make a informed decision on what works for you.

Partners & Past Success Stories

By taking a franchise, you can start your business with a market-tested product that is already familiar to your consumers, helping you skip over some of the early phases of business development, planning, and procurement.
We collaborate with you to help you realize your franchise aspirations. By understanding your situation and what aspects of brand, culture, and operating models resonate with you, we aid in formulating a customized strategy to attain your objectives.
Our role in your business ownership is not to convince you that franchise ownership and new business opportunities are the right choice for you. Our role is to guide you through the journey to ensure you find that perfect match!
We are brutally truthful! We share facts about franchise ownership, the work, the responsibility, and the expectations. We guide you through the intricacies of modern franchising, ensuring sustainable goals aligned with your needs that assist you in steering away from costly mistakes.
7 steps to franchise ownership

Step 1 : Apply

Submit the Franchise Masters application form and sign the waiver.

Step 2 : Let's Talk

We will reach out to schedule a call to understand your skill sets, needs, personality and do investment range determination. We will help you understand steps in franchising expectations of a brand and see if that matches with your expectations of being in the business.

We will then advise you on which brand and service standard suits you best.

Step 3 : Define Your Journey

Choose your brand and we will send you send you a brand specific franchise application. If required we will then arrange an in person call with the brand team so you can ask any questions or a visit a existing location.

Step 7 : Open doors

Congratulations you are now on a path to growth. Time to get to work!

Step 4 : Franchise Disclosure Document

You receive the Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) from the brand, to disclose certain information to assist you in making a well-informed decision before investing in the franchise.

Step 5 : Franchise Agreement

If you are good to move forward, you’ll then receive the franchise agreement form the brand. A legal document between you and the franchisor. It specifies the terms of the franchise obligations such as rights and responsibilities of the parties, fees and payments, territory and duration of agreement.

Step 6 : Onboarding and Training

You’ll work with the franchisor on real estate selection, budgeting, financing, planning, and go through an extensive training program as per brand standards.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Franchise Masters role in the franchise sales process?

Based on our experience of working with multiple brands and franchisees we guide you through the journey of taking a franchise.
While we are a trusted outsource partner for the brands mentioned, we trust the brands we represent and believe in their capability and systems. We will be your primary point of contact throughout the franchise process. We partner with brands to streamline the qualification of franchise candidates to ensure a good fit between franchisee and franchisor.

Does Franchise Masters Give legal Advice ?
Franchise masters is not a law firm or an accounting firm. While we can only give you a broad outline of the legal and financial system in the franchise business based on our experience. However, if required we can refer you to some experienced Lawyers or Financial specialists who can work with you independently to structure your business and advise you on all legal aspects of owning or growing your business.
What should I consider when evaluating a specific franchise?
Why am I taking this franchise? Define a clear reason in your mind.
What experience is required to join the franchise system?
Have I done my research and believe that this food category has potential
Do I understand the financial and operational commitment? short term and long term.
Have i been to their store and experienced the product
Does this step fit into my short term and long term Goals
What are the benefits of taking a Franchise
Franchises have a higher likelihood of success. That’s because a proven business model is already in place, and has been tried and tested. Franchises also offer additional benefits like group purchasing power, brand recognition, and franchisee support. Franchisee support is the critical component of successful franchising. Franchise brands provide initial business start-up assistance ranging from strategic guidance, to real estate selection and negotiation, to access to suppliers and equipment programs, to ongoing training and marketing support. The franchise model works, because franchisors are only as successful as their franchisees. Thus, franchise companies provide extensive support to their franchisees.
Raise Investment and propel growth
We at Franchise Masters love interesting concepts and understand scale and growth. If you have an idea or a concept at an early stage of operations with the right combination of branding, strong positioning, good single unit economics and exceptional food we at Franchise Masters can look at structuring you for success by developing a fundraising plan or a direct investment franchise masters investor network. Focus on operations and leave the rest to us. Most start up entrepreneurs get distracted when they are cash strapped, and operations and product quality inevitably suffers. Brands grow faster if they have access to growth capital and knowledge to scale. We are here to make that happen.
Does Franchise Masters give Legal Advise?
Franchise masters is not a law firm or an accounting firm. We can give you a broad outline of the legal and financial system in the franchise business based on our experience. However, if required we can refer you to our trusted Lawyers or Financial specialists who can work with you independently to structure your business and advise you on all legal aspects of owning or growing your business.
Is Food Franchise Masters a realtor or a real estate agent?

No, we are not a realtor or a real estate agent. Hence we have a frank and unbiased opinion on real estate and locations that are shown to us. We are only focused on success of franchisee and and the franchisor.
We are hospitality and restaurant professionals (a division of Skill Smith Hospitality Consulting Inc ( our management has set and and operated restaurants, hence we understand the food service business and its need ground up.

Step 1 : Defining Your Ambitions

Franchise Masters welcomes you to the realm of franchise ownership. We believe ‘that one size does not fit all’ your journey is unique, and we’re here to assist you in identifying a business that resonates with your aspirations, lifestyles and financial goals. Leverage our wealth of experience to navigate the intricacies of franchise ownership and overcome potential obstacles.

Step 2 : Navigating the Landscape

Considering the vast selection of franchise opportunities, making the right choice is crucial. Our team evaluates your skills and preferences, ensuring that your journey starts on a strong foundation.

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